The 5 Steps to Mastering Your Kitchen: Planning & Time Management

​After reading my last post you should know what is the difference between a chef and a cook, and what makes you a master of your time spent at your home-kitchen. Time absorbed by any cooking activity from start to finish can be split into 5 actions: planning, shopping, preparing, cooking, and cleaning. These steps are crucial to the success of any dish, and mastering them can help you become a more efficient and confident cook.

Importance of Planning

Cooking itself is quick. What takes time is preparing for it. The better the plan, the better the preparation, and the better we are prepared, the easier the cooking goes. If your knife skills are not the best, you should help yourself by using proper kitchen equipment in order to be more time efficient. So, number one – you need to start with a good plan.

Washing can also take some time as we all know, but with good organisation and a plan, you will have less washing. Of course, buying frozen or takeaway pizza gives you a minimum amount of dishes to wash, but we don’t want to go this way, right?

Efficient Shopping

Planning your shopping trips to coincide with your meal planning can save you time and energy. Shopping for groceries can be an overwhelming experience, but by having a list of what you need and sticking to it, you can reduce the time spent wandering the aisles and ensure that you have everything you need for your meals.

A good plan should allow you to shop once or twice a week, so you don’t waste more time on it. Knowing what ingredients you need ahead of time can save you from multiple trips to the grocery store, which can be a time-consuming and frustrating experience. By planning your meals for the week, you can also ensure that you are using ingredients before they go bad, reducing food waste and saving money.

Importance of Having a Plan B

We also need to remember that plans like to change a lot. That’s how life is, and that’s why we need a plan B. Plan B is a quick back up idea in case of a sudden lack of time for cooking. Is cooking possible without a good plan and preparation? Of course, but it’s very challenging. It requires experience, creativity and very good cooking skills in order to create a tasty meal out of what is available.

Having a backup plan can help you stay on track even when things don’t go as planned. This could be something as simple as having a few pantry staples on hand for a quick and easy meal or having a few go-to recipes that you can whip up in a pinch. By having a plan B, you can avoid the stress and frustration that can come with last-minute changes to your meal plan.

Clean As You Go

A lesson I’ve learned in culinary school which I attended was… I actually remember the first two lessons very well. One was how to cut onions, the proper way. The second lesson was “Clean as you go”. I really want you to remember the second one forever. I know that some people resign from cooking because they don’t want that extra hassle with cleaning afterwards. Apply the “clean as you go” rule while you prepare and while you cook, clean little by little and don’t leave everything for the very end.

In a professional kitchen environment, this rule applies to keeping your section clean, because normally the dishwashers will clean all the pans, pots, and everything else. In my home kitchen, however, I try to do the washing little by little. It is really crucial to save time. While I have something in a food processor mixing, I’d wash something, or while I’m cooking and have a minute or two to spare, I’d wash something. Put away your phone and Instagram, and while you’re waiting for something, do some cleaning. Be time-efficient.

When it comes to cooking, time is of the essence. With busy schedules and endless responsibilities, it can be challenging to find the time to cook a homemade meal. However, with proper planning and organization, it is possible to master the art of cooking while saving time in the process. In this article, we will discuss the five key actions involved in cooking and how to optimize your time spent on each one.

  1. Planning

As mentioned earlier, a good plan is essential for saving time in the kitchen. Start by creating a menu for the week and make a grocery list accordingly. This will not only save time but also reduce food waste and help you stick to a budget. You can also prep ingredients in advance, such as chopping vegetables or marinating meat, to save time during the cooking process.

  1. Shopping

Going to the grocery store can be a time-consuming task, but with a well-planned list, you can save time and reduce the number of trips you make. Try to shop once or twice a week to minimize time spent at the store. Additionally, consider online grocery shopping and delivery services as an alternative option to save even more time.

  1. Preparing

Prepping ingredients in advance is a great way to save time during the cooking process. Use proper kitchen equipment such as a food processor, mandoline, or julienne peeler to speed up the prep process. If you struggle with knife skills, investing in good quality knives and practicing your techniques can also help you save time.

  1. Cooking

Cooking itself is a quick process, but the time-consuming part is often the preparation. To save time during the cooking process, consider using multi-functional kitchen gadgets such as an Instant Pot or a slow cooker. These appliances can help you prepare meals quickly and efficiently, with minimal hands-on time.

  1. Cleaning

Cleaning up after cooking is often the most daunting task, but it’s important to keep your kitchen clean and organized to save time in the long run. The “clean as you go” rule is an excellent approach to save time during the cleaning process. Clean up spills and messes as soon as they occur, and wash dishes and utensils as you go to minimize the amount of cleaning you have to do at the end.

In conclusion, cooking is not just about preparing food; it’s also about managing your time effectively. By implementing the tips and tricks discussed in this article, you can save time in the kitchen and enjoy delicious homemade meals with ease. Remember, a good plan is the foundation for efficient cooking, so take the time to plan and organize your meals in advance. Happy cooking!